About Me
I’m always a little sketchy about self-promotion, but if not on your own website, where else are you going to put it?

I’m an experienced teacher who is a dedicated LEGO® enthusiast (with a little bit of TV clout to reinforce said statement) who has spent many years working in the Digital Technology and STEM field building up a program that my students just can’t wait to take part in each week. I’ve recently branched out and worked with GATEWAYS (gifted and talented education) and can confidently state that I am able to establish instant rapport with a new group of students and have them asking when they’ll next be able to work with me by the end of the session. I’m passionate about getting our children actively engaged in working creatively with technology as they’ll be the ones tasked with the job of developing the solutions of the future.

LEGO® Masters Finalist 2021 and Grand Masters Semi Finalist 2023
I was lucky enough to be cast for Season 3 of LEGO® Masters Australia and made it all the way to the finale with my brick-buddy Gabby! And to get a second chance at a once in a lifetime experience with Grand Masters was unbelievable! This opportunity tested my abilities in so many ways. From working under time pressures to competing with a room full of talented builders, it was an amazing experience that has had a massive impact on my life.

Experienced Teacher
I’ve spent 14 years in the teaching profession and the last 9 or so working on developing and refining my role as a Digital Technology and STEM specialist at Rangeview Primary School. I’m passionate about getting kids excited about using digital technologies in creative ways. From designing a 3D world to programming an animation, I find that students thrive when engaged in a challenge that feels like it’s beyond their reach but, given the right tools and support, they find their own path to success.

MTA Brand Ambassador
At the end of 2021, I entered a competition with one of our education suppliers, Modern Teaching Aids. Alongside winning approximately $5000 worth of Spike and BricQ Motion products for my school, fellow winner Allen Dickson and I became Brand Ambassadors for Modern Teaching Aids; suppliers of the fantastic LEGO® Education products.

EduTech and MTA Steamposium Presentations
I was very excited to speak at the EduTech conference on behalf of MTA and LEGO® Education alongside Allen on the importance of problem-solving through play. The presentation was well received and has led to some great opportunities since.
Allen and I were then asked to present about the many different ways we use LEGO® in the classroom for MTA’s STEAMPOSIUM. We’re about to reprise our roles to take part in STEAMPOSIUM 2024 again!

I was encouraged by fellow teacher and good friend, Mic Lowne, to have a go at FLL. 9 seasons down now, I’m incredibly pleased with how many of my teams have made it to national level, including a returning year 8 team. Easily one of the most engaging activities I’ve ever seen students get fully immersed in, I attribute a great deal of my growth in the field to this program.

LEGO Education Consulting
I have been incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to work closely with LEGO Education in recent months. I can’t go into detail on what, or in what capacity, but that’s kind of exciting too! Signing NDA’s has been a regular occurrence in recent years!
LEGO® Club
It all started from a crazy little idea at a mid-cycle review that my principals absolutely fell in love with. From fantastic support from the community in the way of donations right through to the opportunity to display at Brickvention at the Royal Exhibition Building, this humble program went from serving 50 students to over 220 in recent years!

LEGO® Fandom
It goes without saying, but I’m a big fan of LEGO®. I use bricks as a creative medium and regularly display at LEGO® shows and am an active contributor within the online community. I’ve built a great variety of things but am perhaps most well known as a ‘train guy’ having built and sold hundreds of copies of my Thomas and Friends engines and regularly displaying a large Island of Sodor.